Join us for upcoming A Product Of His Grace women’s ministry events in Tampa. Choose your event below. If applicable, please ensure that you are pre-registered in time. You don’t want to miss out.

Living non-stop for Jesus means that pleasing him is our highest aim. Not just sometimes or some days, but all the time, every day.
- Women's Conference
- Feb 16-19, 2023
- 7:30 PM
- 10220 Fisher Ave #10, Tampa, FL

The Place is the place where souls come first. We love, not judge and we build relationships, not religion. So come as you are.
- The Place-FWDC
- Every Sunday
- 8:30 AM
- 10220 Fisher Ave #10, Tampa, FL

Prayer and fasting can help us hear God more clearly. Join us in combining a time of fasting with a practice of listening prayer.
- Prayer & Fasting
- Sept 21-23, 2022
- 6:00 PM
- 10220 Fisher Ave #10, Tampa, FL